Tuesday 28 August 2012

There's a bee in my bonnet...............x

What do you do with two bumblebee's, a daddy, a pile of wood , a snoozy dog, and a handful of gardener's twine?
WHY, make a woodland den of course!!!
A few weeks ago, I had a LIGHTBULB ( said in the style of despicable me ) poor old Q groaned. Every now and then, I get a bee in my bonnet about something.....and I go on and on and on and on, and then I start what ever the bee in my bonnet is, with all the good intentions of doing it all myself. The Q knows, he just knows, that there is no waaaaaaay I'll ever finish the bee in my bonnet. He knows, that he will finish it. Every time, always.
I do love him.
Well, quite often after having a bee in my bonnet, I'll change my mind. And decide on something else. Another bee in my bonnet.
One sunny afternoon, Q heard me hacking and sawing at the lilac tree in the garden, I had decided it had got far too big, and I had grand ideas of making a rustic cottagey fence out of all the wonky branches.
Hummmmmmm.........the Q had to finish off the sawing, my arm started to ache, and I needed a cup of tea.....
Anyway the fence idea was far too silly even for me, after all that sawing and hacking, there STILL wasnt enough wood. So.....................................................you know what it's like....that bloomin wood was piled in a corner of the garden for yonks and yonks.......UNTIL.......
One sunny weekend..........I started a den............it began with three branches and some twine.....

Both bumblebee's couldnt resisit a day being Peter Pan's lost boys, building their own hideout, just for them and their secret adventures in whatever magical land they wandered to.....

You'd better believe it that the Q muscled in and got involved. We are ever so lucky to have girls that love to get their hands dirty. They love digging, and climbing, and wearing their wellingtons. But you know, this was one bee in my bonnet that Q relished getting involved in, ooooooh I don't think I've ever seen him have such a good day.


So you guessed it, supper was served in the woodland den. The bumblebee's had to kick the Q out. hehe xxxxxxxxx

1. You don't need to spend a fortune in the holidays to have a good day.
2. The lilac tree still lives, it's just a little bit smaller.
3. Girls can give boys a run for their money with bushcrafts.


Friday 10 August 2012

There's no place like....Laaaaandon x

My bestest messaged me....'post, post, post '...............so here it is. My latest post. Hehehehe!!

 The bumblebee's are upstairs, giggling and playing with their little pal. Radio 2 is playing ( Claudia Winkleman ) and Blur, Girls and Boys is blaring............The sun is out. All is well.

Have I ever told you about a certain little bumblebee's obsession?
I think I've spoken many times about mine, ahem, flowers, GREEN, chocolate, tea, dresses, shoes, Pearl Lowe, Mrs.Weasley, and on and on....

But here's a new ( well old ) one from the little one. Dorothy..............Ah yes, she lives, breaths, all that has sparkly red shoes and gingham dresses!

Can you imagine her little face, can you, CAN YOU...when we tell her....we are off to London.. ( not to buy heat magazine oh no ) the the London Palladium, to watch  THE WIZARD OF OZ  ??!!!!

We lunched, I drank tea, the Q was even excited.................

Babychino's were slurped, but nothing could detract from the butterflies in our tummies. I mean, what if little bumblebee didn't like it? What if it was too scary? And what if it was a let down and didn't live up to her expectations?

But when we sat in our seats, none of that mattered. She was so happy, with twinkly eyes and rosy cheeks. Even little miss 'cool' Talulla was engrossed.
I cried. Yes I did, the emotion of seeing my little girls heorine, watching her gasp and snuggle into me as the wicked witch came down from the ceiling, turned and stared at little bumblebee dressed in her Dorothy get up.............
Listening to her singing along, clapping her hands so hard I thought they'd bleed.
Yes, The Wizard Of Oz lived up to it. It was everything she wanted and imagined...and much, much more.
You never forget your first time at the theatre do you?

So what show next? Any suggestions? Q is keen to watch more, so strike whilst the iron is hot, and all that.....
 Anyway, everytime we are in Laaaaaaaaaandon, we literally have to drag little bumblebee home. She tells us quite honestly, that when she grows up, she will live in a city. She likes the smells, the heat, the people and the tube.
'Hummmmmm we'll see' I always say.......But I already know, that she's a city girl at heart. I know this because I see her little face in the back seat, and the huge sigh she sighs when we enter Bristol, or Bath, or indeed London.

Happy sunny Friday to you all xxxxxx