Friday, 20 April 2012

Lost......not found................x

One battery charger for the camera missing. If found, please pass it on, I have so much to show you, but somehow somewhere.....the charger for my camera is missing..........Do you think I may have put it in a "safe" place? 

So instead of showing you my plant pot makeover, or my little bumblebee's purdy little music bag I made.......I give you a rabbit.

A rabbit and some egg decorations. That's all I have. Sorry.......................xxxx

P.S welcome new followers!!! It's lovely to have you all, and I'm ever so sorry if I have not replied to any messages
But I am thrilled you are all still here, and I so love you little comments, they cheer my day!!x


  1. Ahhh sounds like our house, I think the borrowers have been about! lol.

    Hope you find your lead soon it is really frustrating when you can't find something.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

    MBB x

  2. we have that very same space in our house - the safe lost place...hehehehe many lovely things are there, but where...i have no clue!!
    I love your Rabbit is it vintage? or new? i dont like to be nosey but was it a lot of money- is there a shop?...oh i just loved, obviously you dont hav eto tell me- I will just love looking at the photo and admire them ;0)xx

  3. We have that rabbit too, did you get yours from Dotcomgiftshop? He is just the cutest bunny ever I reckon.
    Lisa x

  4. Cute bunny! Is it the bunny night light from CK?
    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Sweet rabbit! Things go missing so often in our house- I spend more time looking for my scissors than actually cutting with them. Hope you find the charger soon!

  6. ...but a nice rabbit all the same! I suspect he has hidden the charger in order to steal a moment of fame on your blog.

  7. so frustrating when something like a charger goes missing, we bought a multi charger (plug with lots of different bits on the end!) and it has been fab as sadly we lots of things like chargers go awry in our house It was from Argos and not that expensive! x
